These resources were designed to provide information, tips, and tools to help people manage the COVID-19 pandemic. These resources were developed by ASERT and the HCQUs, focusing on short videos and information sheets. Topics covered included: background and information on COVID-19, telehealth resources, mental health and wellness resources, tools for helping individuals manage changes, how to safely engage in community activities, hygiene practices, managing trauma and grief, and many more topics. For more information and to access the COVID-19 resources, click here.
HEART: Healthy sexuality, Education, Awareness, and Relationship Training
When NPR reported that individuals with developmental disabilities are seven times more likely to be sexually abused or assaulted than the general population, the Office of Developmental Programs knew this important issue needed to be tackled. The HEART project was the result.
ASERT, HCQUs, and Temple Institute on Disabilities joined together to develop resources for self-advocates, direct support staff, families, and caregivers focused on helping reduce the risk of sexual abuse and assault. This project focuses on three areas: risk reduction, healthy relationships, and healthy sexuality. For more information and to access the HEART resources, click here.
Emergency Preparedness
Having to leave your home and go to an emergency shelter due to a fire, flood, natural or man-made disaster is stressful for everyone. For individuals with autism and intellectual disabilities, it can be even more disruptive. No one likes to think about emergencies and disaster situations, but being prepared ahead of time can help a tough situation go more smoothly. These resources developed by ASERT, ODP, Department of Human Services (DHS), and PA Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) are designed to help self-advocates, support staff, families and caregivers prepare for emergency situations and know what to expect. Additionally, resources and training materials for shelter staff to know how to properly support individuals and their families are also included. For more information and to access the Emergency Preparedness resources, click here.
TRAIN: Trauma Recovery for Autistic, Intellectually Disabled and Neurodiverse Individuals
Individuals with an intellectual disability or autism are at an increased risk of experiencing trauma. There are many therapists throughout Pennsylvania who are qualified to support the ID/A community, but few who are also equipped with the skills to support these individuals through trauma recovery. To address this need, TRAIN was developed by a team of therapists at ASERT to train therapists serving the ID/A community on trauma identification and recovery.
The TRAIN program selects therapist to participate in the 12 week program which includes independent learning opportunities, interactive discussions with fellow participants and instructors, as well as case consultations. To learn more about the specific topic areas covered in TRAIN, the instructors, testimonials from previous TRAIN participants, and information about upcoming cohorts, click here.
Wellness Resources
These resources cover a wide range of wellness and health topics, ranging from physical to mental health. These resources have been developed by the Health Care Quality Units, as well as in collaboration with doctors and nursing professionals in a wide range of health fields. For more information and to access the Wellness resources, click here.