
These resources are designed for parents and caregivers in mind.  This page provides access for all parent and caregiver resources across all AID in PA projects.

For each project, content is broken down into 3 categories: Quick Bites, Next Steps and Deeper Dive.

Quick Bites: These resources provide a general overview of the topic. If you only have a few minutes to look at information, start with the “quick bites”. This is where you’ll find the most important resources.

Next Steps: If you have more time to spend take the “next step” into these resources where you can find more detailed content on the topic.

Deeper Dive: Looking to know even more? Take a “deep dive” into all of the content that has been developed on the topic to date.

COVID-19 Resources

These resources focus on the COVID-19 pandemic and include information about a wide range of topics including physical health, mental health and wellbeing, accessing services, education during the pandemic, community engagement and more.

Quick Bites

Video: Teaching Infection Control

In this video, tips and suggestions are provided on how to teach individuals new skills.

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Video: Wellness and Mindfulness Strategies

In this video, tips and strategies are provided for families/caregivers on wellness and mindfulness techniques.

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Next Steps

Video: Anxiety-What you need to know

This video provides information about anxiety, risk factors, signs of anxiety in individuals with ID/A, and ways to manage anxiety.

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Deeper Dive

Video: Staycation vs Vacation- How to Have Fun and Stay Safe

Whether you're planning to stay home or get away, this webinar explains how to stay safe and make the most of your time off.

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Video: Parent Perspective on Telehealth

This video provides information from a parent of two young children about their experiences receiving therapy services through telehealth.

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Video: Compassion Fatigue

This video provides an over of what compassion fatigue is, how to recognize it, and ways to manage.

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HEART: Healthy sexuality, Education, Awareness, and Relationship Training Resources

These resources focus on reducing risk for experiencing sexual abuse or assault for individuals with ID/A. Content is broken into three important areas: risk reduction, healthy relationships, and healthy sexuality.

These resources are still in development. Check back often to see when resources are available. Until then, check out these websites:

ASERT: Be Safe Resources

Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape


Emergency Preparedness Resources

These resources focus on how to prepare individuals with ID/A for emergency situations, particularly what to know and do if they need to stay in an emergency shelter. Additional resources focus on providing shelter staff and emergency support workers to effectively support individuals with ID/A.

These resources are still in development. Check back often to see when resources are available. Until then, check out these websites:

Inclusive Preparedess Resources: Red Cross

FEMA: Office of Disability Integration and Coordination

Wellness Resources

These resources will cover a wide range of health and wellness topics, including physical and mental health. These initial resources were developed by ASERT in collaboration with psychologists and emergency room physicians and focuses on preparing for emergency health situations as well as providing resources to emergency medical personnel.

Emergency Medical Care

When to Go to the Emergency Department and What to Expect

This resource is for parents/caregivers and self-advocates to provide information about when to go to the Emergency Department and what to expect when you get there.

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Calling 911

This resources for parents/caregivers and self-advocates provides information about what to expect when you call 911.

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Educating the Emergency Department

This resource was developed for parents/caregivers and self-advocates on educating your local emergency department about being on the spectrum.

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Emergency Responder Notification Forms

Many counties throughout Pennsylvania have created a form to notify emergency responders that individuals on the autism spectrum, or with other diagnoses or needs, live at a particular address. It is important for emergency responders to be made aware of who lives in the home, any sensitivities than the autistic individual may have, and the types of behavior the responders may witness so they are better prepared to safely handle a potential emergency situation.

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