Site: PAAutism
Avoid Coronavirus Scams
This resource from the Federal Trade Commission provides information on avoiding Coronavirus scams.
Read moreBeing a Careful Reader of Coronavirus Information
This resource provides tips and suggestions for making sure that you're getting the best and most trustworthy information related to coronavirus.
Read moreFighting COVID-19 Misinformation
This resource provides information and resources for providers to support individuals and families who may come across misinformation related to COVID-19.
Read moreGetting the COVID-19 Vaccine Social Stories
These social stories provide a visual explanation of what to expect when getting the vaccine for COVID-19 and what you may experience after getting the vaccine. Social stories are provided in both English and Spanish, and have also been developed into videos.
Read moreHomecare for a Loved One Social Story
When people get older, they may need more help at home. A home health aid can make things easier.
Read moreResilient Zone: Social Story
This resource visually explains the concept of the Resilient Zone and managing emotions.
Read moreSafety Plan for Individuals with Autism
This resource helps individuals with autism develop a safety plan with information to help them stay safe and feel calm in the event of an emergency.
Read moreVideo: All About Your Child
This presentation for families and caregivers provides suggestions on preparing for emergency care for their child.
Read moreVisiting a Retirement Community Social Story
Sometimes when people get older they need extra help and might need to live in a retirement community. This social story prepares an individual for what it might be like to visit such a place.
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