Site: PAAutism

Active Shooter Social Story

This social story developed ASERT along with PEMA, provides a visual explanation of how to handle an active shooter situation.

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Avoid Coronavirus Scams

This resource from the Federal Trade Commission provides information on avoiding Coronavirus scams.

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Being a Careful Reader of Coronavirus Information

This resource provides tips and suggestions for making sure that you're getting the best and most trustworthy information related to coronavirus.

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Caring for Pets and Livestock During an Emergency

This social story developed by ASERT along with PEMA, provides a visual explanation of how to care for pets or livestock in the case of an emergency situation.

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Consciousness refers to a person’s awareness. It could be an awareness of ourselves or the things around us. Consciousness is strongly influenced by the parts of our brains that we use for planning, problem-solving and other complicated tasks.

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Decision Making for the COVID-19 Vaccine

This resource, developed by ASERT in collaboration with Dr. Venkat from Allegheny Health Network and Dr. Migyanka from Indiana University of Pennsylvania provides answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the COVID-19 vaccine to help individuals make informed decisions.

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Defining Trauma

Around the world, about 7 out of every 10 people go through a traumatic experience during their life. Going through trauma in the past increases your chances of having more trauma in the future.

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Difficulties and Frustrations

Recently there have been more efforts to support people with disabilities to get mental health treatment. There are some things that can make this treatment more difficult. This resource highlights three of the main challenges in offering treatment to individuals with disabilities.

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Educating the Emergency Department

This resource was developed for parents/caregivers and self-advocates on educating your local emergency department about being on the spectrum.

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